Akihabara, Tokyo

And now, the first full day in Tokyo. I woke up at 6am; managed to trick myself into falling back to sleep and this time was ready with an alarm (last time this happened I just kept on sleeping...).

I'd had trouble the night before finding food... this place served salads though.
Everything is confusing, the way doors work, the way some shops just blend into the next; most menus aren't in English. Thank goodness for google photo translation (you point your phone camera at something and it translates the text it sees).

I went to explore Akihabara. My airbnb is only a block away!

Quickly lost in shops selling all kinds of things, comics and magic cards of course (in Japanese)

and switches and LEDs and so many electronics parts

I found, but did not purchase, 1.0 farad supercapacitors

There are computer shops, some of which are good deals, some of which aren't really (like this Alienware outlet).

But you gotta love the SSD wall!!

And servers, and RAM, and keyboards, and used laptops, and everything...

OK, I may have spent too much time looking at all the computer stuff. I did find a few other kinds of places though. I also found some nicer food this time (seaweed udon guarded by dalek)

and SUPER AMAZING vegetarian eggplant curry (went on the train just for this)

There was a huge "book tower" too with nine floors, but sadly not much English

I'm not entirely behind the times, there were a number of series that I have seen, even some subway ads...

More trains.

That's it for today. Planning to go on a hike tomorrow, if I can find some portable food!