Budapest On a Sunny Day

Today, I went to Vajdahunyad Castle further inland on the Pest bank...

It wasn't as nice as Buda Castle though, so I went back there to explore in the sunshine. Found some cheeky graffiti on the way

and here I am climbing that hill again

There were some ceremonies going on, I think October 22nd is the anniversary of the 1956 revolution.

In that last pic you can see lighted torches as a large crowd walks through the city, trailed by police cars.

Inside the Buda castle/museum I find some royal signets of surprisingly large size

some Latin texts, a little too cursive to read easily

and a peaceful chapel. It's funny to think that such a small space served for many generations of kings, and that the bones of saints were taken here. Goes to show how difficult it is to construct buildings out of stone.

The best part was the ancient cellar from the very early days

with an obligatory tower where some relative was locked up for life:

Kinda cool statue of a goose thief.

A window out into the world.

Really cool guestbook.

Outside again,

This is Mace Tower... don't ask.

I always get the picture with the bird in it, ha ha.

Evening is coming on.

If it looks like I'm about to be run over in that last picture, don't worry, there were at least three seconds to spare. That's it for Budapest!