Paris Fifth Arrondissement

I'm staying in le cinquième arrondissement (and yes, I can pronounce that). After sleeping for 15 hours straight, I was woken up by an elementary school's recess period at noon. Haha.

I walked around the Latin Quarter for a while:

Then I went to the Pantheon, inspired by the Roman version of course. I don't think this is actually Joan of Arc but it has a similar vibe:

There is also the original Foucault pendulum!

The pendulum of course moves very slowly and I had to work a bit to get it to appear in motion (1/4 shutter speed). Super cool though. The Pantheon also houses a small Pantheon model (inception!) but it's hard to appreciate from pictures.

Then I walked through some universities, and paid through the nose to get onto the 56th floor of some hotel. It had a great view though.

Bug's-eye view:

I also took this picture which, as it turns out, is pretty similar to the Wikipedia page for the 5th arrondissement. I guess I think a lot like that photographer does :)

Miscellaneous: I also captured a pigeon race

and a budding scholar

and a hidden car garage that could otherwise claim to be a metro station


I mentioned earlier that the apartment is pretty beautiful. See for yourself.

The moment the sun starts disappearing, a beautiful cat takes to the roof in the atrium.

He is soon joined by his friends. Keep looking, there are quite a few cats here.

I thought it was to warm up in the sun, but they were still there hours later. I think they just like it. Hullo peeps.

That's it for my first full day in Paris. Good night,

~~ dwk.