
Because of the vagaries of air travel, it was cheaper for me to fly to Toronto then to Europe rather than directly to Europe. Here is how Toronto looked early yesterday morning. It was very cloudy and I was lucky to get a clear shot.

I went to visit a friend of mine at U of T. Graduation was in full swing -- if you look really closely at the previous picture you can actually see the graduation tent in the main quad :)

My friend gave me a tour of the campus and then we went up the CN Tower. I like this shot because of the wavy leading lines throughout. This is looking southwest towards Mississauga.

I felt like the CN Tower was a modern-day Lighthouse of Alexandria. Built on the edge of an (inland) sea to keep ships informed, except by radio waves instead of light. (Yes, it's true the tower was actually commissioned for entertainment broadcasts. Sshh.)

It was incredibly windy up there, the kind of windy you only otherwise find out on the open ocean. I convinced my friend to take a picture of me through the glass (so he could stand properly), but neglected to mention the white-balance controls so this had to be enhanced to oblivion in the Gimp to avoid me looking like a black blob. Sorry.

There was apparently a serious accident on another train line as I was trying to leave Union Station, so everyone was lining up through the hallways to get onto my (still operational) train. I made it back to the airport though and found my plane's gate, where every single seat had been outfitted with a tablet so that passengers could play solitaire, blackjack, and log into Facebook. Pretty fancy -- though it raises the question of what else those tablets can do. I certainly made use of the spare plugs though.

~~ dwk